Wednesday, December 30, 2009

EMA Scholarhips Help the Tokehs

Today and tomorrow, I'm getting you acquainted with a very special family to us.  We are so happy that we have been able to help them with EMA/USA Scholarships, thanks to people like you with generous hearts.   

Jeremiah 29:11...God has a plan for the Tokehs; plans for their welfare and not calamity, to give them a future and a hope... 

Justyn Tokeh – Justyn was our wonderful cook, a LONG time ago when we were kids.  He was a huge help and blessing to our family when we lived in Liberia.  He made the best bread, sweet rolls and gingersnaps! You might remember him as John Johnnie.  He lives across the road from ELWA, is married and has 9 children!  He’s managed to educate his family, and is living for the Lord, and active in church ministry.  Justyn has shown much love and responsibility for his own family and also for his neighbors and others in need and we thank God for him. 
When we visited his home, I noticed other villagers coming to the back of his compound with 5 gallon containers.  Justyn told me he paid to have a well drilled, and allows everyone to help themselves.  He truly loves the Lord, his family, and his neighbors who desperately need clean water.  

This month he sent a letter to Mom and Dad, regarding the EMAUSA scholarship his son Jacob had received.
Dear Oldma and Oldpa,

Once more it brings great joy to me for a time to reflect on the unconditional LOVE that our Almighty God demonstrated by sending His only Son just to restore mankind unto Him.

The year 2009 that is coming to a close has been a time of challenges and opportunities. It has brought forth time of real testing of our faith as a family. As an example, when the last academic year at ELWA Academy ended and I was thinking whether my little son Jacob was still going to be on the scholarship, it was a time of challenge for me as the Academy made a significant increment in their school fees. I was confused because I never wanted my little boy to quit school.

Well, to God be the Glory as all is fine in terms of Jacob and even the rest of the children schooling. As I usually tell you and most people that have been of blessing to my family, the only true gift or property that I can offer my children is their EDUCATION. So, to all of you people who have made it possible for my children to continue their schooling I say a very BIG THANK-U.

Just as God did sent us His only Son  as gift of salvation for the entire Human Race, you and many others who for this whole year have been keeping and continues to keep us in your prayers have in an proportional manner reminded us of the unconditional love that God made perfect thru the sending of Jesus Christ. And this is the essence of our celebration of Christmas. It wonderful to note these truths and even reflect upon them each time we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Justyn Jr. extends season’s greetings. He has asked me to inform you that as he draws to a close of his studies at the University of Liberia, your entire family has been of great help in many ways and for this he says thank-you ever so much. However, he still appreciates your concerns and prayers especially as he looks into the future.

As I close let me say many thanks to you all for your prayers and concerns for the Tokehs. We love you all and wish you all MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HOPEFUL NEW YEAR - 2010!!!

Justyn Tokeh, Sr

More about Jacob and Justyn Jr. tomorrow.  If you would like to help children and families like the Tokehs, send your tax-deductible gift to EMA/USA, P.O. Box 36, Wheaton, IL  60187.

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